
I did a lot of coding in my days. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a borrower, I borrow a lot of code written by somebody else before I get my script or program to work. But at the end it is all about, you don’t have to reinvent things because they are already there. DuckDuckGo is your friend my friend.

I was involved in programming of various stuff, be that private or for my employer, I coded in Autoit, Free Pascal, Powershell, SQL, Visual Basic, PHP or any other language that I found suitable. For example, coding in Free Pascal was something I needed because my company had a thousands of thin-clients based on Windows CE, I needed a specific task to be executed on those clients. I found that coding in C# was a little bit like shooting pigeons with nuclear weapons and I'm more comfortable with some kind of scripting languages instead of low-level stuff. I created a project with Lazarus and compiled it for Windows CE.

The same thing is with my private projects, I am a musician, composer and my weapon of choice is the Reaper THE SEQUENCER. I must admit, I envy those guys who made this program that looks and works in the same way on Windows, Mac OS and Linux, it is only 50-60 Mb when installed, portable (if you want it so) and solid-stable. It is not surprising that the guy that is behind Reaper is the same guy who created WinAmp, SHOUTcast and Gnutella…

Anyhow, I needed a command that just with a press of keyboard created so called “marker” in my music projects. To be more specific, I needed a command that created VERSE_1 , VERSE_2, and so on or Chorus_1, Chorus_2 and so on… I made an EEL script that was a counter-sensitive and did exactly what I needed. Now I have F2, F3, F4 and F5 keys designated just for creating those markers fast in my Reaper session: Intro, verse_01, chorus_01, verse_02, bridge, solo…

Another example: I have some of the mayor subscriptions for movies and series monthly paid, I just wanted to have some of those series saved locally with a little help of a program called PlayOn. Now, PlayOn is trying to be serious player on the market without legal issues with content providers and it can download series or movies from Netflix, Disney+ and several other services. The problem is, when it downloads episodes or movies (in real-time) it adds some stuff in the beginning of videos with your IP-address, your subscription name and so on. I really don’t need this in my paid videos so I made several Powershell scripts that will convert those videos, trim unnecessary parts, save XML for Kodi, extract thumbnails and make it smaller... Of course, it is all based on FFMPEG, a little wonder program that should be installed on every computer on Earth.

Example three: I work as a sysadmin, often I need to use ADUC for management of different accounts, be that computer or user-accounts. It is a tedious job if you use standard tools that comes with Windows standard RSAT-tools. I just felt that I needed a faster way to copy groups from one account to another: I created an application completely designed in Autoit with every little thing that I needed: copy groups between accounts, disable accounts with proper description and date, unlock accounts, find groups with fuzzy-match (regex in background), integrate with SCCM, even live scan of computers via WMI and so on.

Example four: SCCM is my main tool at my job, it is a beast to beat but many of the stuff are really useful. I made a hundreds of Compliance baselines, deployments, scripts and I really enjoy it! I must admit, I was an anti-SCCM in the beginning when Altiris and Ghost were losing their hunting mark several years ago, SCCM was not really matching all the things that those good-old programs had. Now I’m a of kind of SCCM-expert, I know the limits, I know what I can do with it, I know the structure for most of the SQL tables that exist on SCCM server. That is useful, I can pull out reports for every little thing on clients via MS Reporting Services (also one of my programming-skills), or via plain Powershell scripts, PowerBI or via Autoit GUI or via any other SQL tool.

Example five: there is no example five excerpt the fact that I have to say that MS Service Manager is the worst piece of crap on Earth. I hate this program, god knows I really tried to give it a chance but… Just buying a third part addons for make it work as it should is a bad sign. At my company we have to spend hours on seemingly working Service Management solution with “Silverlight” based GUI without any possibility to change the looks

Example six;

I’m a kind of Photoshopper, I can manage most of the stuff that comes with Adobe Photoshop. It’s not my first choice, I used to work with other beautiful graphic programs like Micrografx Picture Publisher, they lost and vanished because people think that Adobe is a horse to make bet on….

Anyway, here are some samples of my “Photoshop” work, it is possible to do it on any graphics program...

Here are some of scripts that can be useful for You all nice people:

· Powershell - Autodesk logon parser through Flexnet LOG-file

· Powershell - Windows 10 logon screen Carousel logon image changer

· SCCM - Windows 10 disable virus infected computers all network connections

· SCCM - Ghosting – ghost-like imaging via SCCM

· APPV reporting – superfast SQL query with Powershell

· SCCM reporting – superfast SQL query with Powershell
